News Archive

CMDB student, Jieying Li, awarded American Heart Association (AHA) Predoctoral Fellowship

CMDB student, Jieying Li, awarded American Heart Association (AHA) Predoctoral Fellowship

CMDB graduate student, Jieying Li, is a recipient of the 2025 AHA Predoctoral Fellowship for her project titled “Defining a blood-ganglion barrier in the peripheral nervous system.” This prestigious award enhances the integrated research and clinical training of promising students who intend careers as scientists, physician-scientists or related careers aimed at improving global cardiovascular, cerebrovascular […]

CMDB faculty member, Xin Chen, to join HHMI investigators this year

CMDB faculty member, Xin Chen, to join HHMI investigators this year

On September 23,2021, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), the largest private biomedical research institution in the nation, announced it is investing $300 million in 33 new investigators this year, including Biology/CMDB faculty member, Dr. Xin Chen, for her award-winning research in epigenetics. To learn more visit HHMI’s website.

Dr. Steven L. Salzberg joins CMDB Program as Training Faculty

Dr. Steven L. Salzberg joins CMDB Program as Training Faculty

The CMDB Program is excited to welcome Dr. Steven L. Salzberg! Dr. Salzberg’s research focuses on the development of new computational methods for analysis of DNA from the latest sequencing technologies.

Graduate Program in Biological Sciences ranked #6 in the nation by US News & World Report

Graduate Program in Biological Sciences ranked #6 in the nation by US News & World Report

Johns Hopkins University graduate programs are once again among the nation’s best, including a #6 ranking for this graduate program, according to U.S. News & World Report‘s annual Best Graduate Schools list.